After this initial post you will find eight additional posts. I have assigned a “night” to each of the cards, but you can do them in any order you choose. Please post a reply to each night’s activity after your family has completed it, so that we can share… Thanks again and Chag Sameach.
It’s Chanukah 5772, and we are so excited to continue our Chanukah program for our community that we started last year. Once again we are offering you and your family the opportunity to give Chanukah a little more meaning. The word Chanukah means dedication. We call this holiday Chanukah because it commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. This year we can all rededicate our modern day “Temples,” our homes, to our religion and our people. We are asking you to use the enclosed cards to enrich your celebration of Chanukah with a nightly mitzvah or tradition.
Here’s How:
- On the day before the first candle is lit, as a family, choose an activity card for the first night of Chanukah.
- On each subsequent night choose the next night’s card (some of the cards need to be pre-selected, like Shabbat)
- On each night of Chanukah, after you have lit the Chanukiya and sung some songs, as a family perform that night’s designated activity. (Remember to then draw the card for the next evening.)
- Please post on Rabbi Hearshen’s blog:, your experiences as a family. There will be a space for each night’s review.
- Enjoy this experience and keep an open mind...
And now for the cards: (Note: these are a reproduction of the actual cards that were handed out, they do not look exactly as they did when handed out.)
| It is always an incredible pleasure to do things together as a family. One great thing we can do is read stories. Find an age-appropriate Jewish story to read and discuss together. Feel free to visit the Midway Library to choose a book to borrow. |
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| Do you know how your family came to America? Do you know what your grandparents did for a living? Tonight, call up relatives and ask them 20 questions about your family history. Then turn those 20 answers into a beautiful story of your family in America. |

| Jewish movie night. Pick out your favorite Jewish movie or one your family has never seen before and pop some popcorn to watch the movie together. |
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| Its שבת/Shabbat, celebrate Chanukah and Shabbat together this evening, be sure to light your Chanukah candles before your Shabbat ones. Then enjoy a traditional Shabbat dinner together. |
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| We connect with our tradition in many ways. One of the most beloved of ways is through our stomachs. On this night choose a family recipe (one that your grandmother used to make) and make that delicious dish together as a family for dinner. |
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| It is better to give than to receive and on this holiday when so many of us receive so much it is all the better to remember for one night that we too can give. On this night nobody in the house receives gifts, but gifts will be given… Choose any charity and donate the money that would have been spent on all of the gifts for that night and donate the money to that charity. You could also participate in one of the many needy children’s gift donation programs. |
![clip_image014[4] clip_image014[4]]( ![clip_image013[4] clip_image013[4]]( | Israel is a central part of modern Judaism. We are deeply connected to our Homeland, but do we know what is happening there all the time? On this last night of Chanukah we will examine the שם/Sham, “there,” from the “Great Miracle Happened There,” on our dreidles. There are many ways to connect with this one: read some newspaper articles about Israel or go to the store and by products made there. |
![clip_image002[5] clip_image002[5]]( ![clip_image001[8] clip_image001[8]]( | Create a new food for Chanukah. We all love latkes and jelly donuts, but we need new foods as well. As a family. create a new food that is representative of the holiday of חנכה. Think beyond the oil, or focus on it, it’s all up to you. |
Where do we go from here?
After this initial post you will find eight additional posts. I have assigned a “night” to each of the cards, but you can do them in any order you choose. Please post a reply to each night’s activity after your family has completed it, so that we can share… Thanks again and Chag Sameach.
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